
maart 30, 2024

New Multimobby 8 seater

New Multimobby 8 seater


New Multimobby 8 seater, introduction at ...
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New Multimobby 8 seater

maart 30, 2024

New Multimobby 8 seater

New Multimobby 8 seater


Passengers feet and arms are protected by the construction and the doors.
Low and easy boarding ( access ) and low ( programmable ) speed.
Each passenger has a door.
Multimobby is available with doorsensors; when a door is open, the Multimobby cannot drive or stops
Also available is a frontscanner and parking sensors activated while driving reverse.


Compact dimension:
6 seater: 1.08 x 3.00 meter
8 seater: 1.08 x 3.85 meter
Luggagerack extendable for 4 to 6 cabine luggage